- 1230 Merridale Rd, Cobble Hill, British Columbia V0R 1L0
- 2-5 km from Mill Bay
Wineries - Mill Bay (V0R 2P0)
Best match results for wineries in Mill Bay + 30km.
The Happy Homebrewer has the West Shore’s largest selection of kits and supplies, and offers equipment rentals as well as knowledgeable responses to any and all fermentation inquiries. With kits and ingredients for top quality wines, beer, coolers, ciders, fruit wine, icewine, port and limited or seasonal releases, our stock both covers the basics and caters to the specialist. Inventory includes fermentation equipment, cleansers and sanitizers, yeast strains, malted grains, hops, additives, conditioners,... Read more
- 106-2000 Cadboro Bay Rd, Victoria, British Columbia V8R 5G5
- 20-30 km from Mill Bay